Android Vs. IOS- Which Platform Is More Secure In 2021?

Vidhema Technologies
3 min readMay 7, 2021

When it comes to Android vs. iOS, you can’t tell which one is the best. In the current time, technology has changed so much and so, the features of these two platforms. Because of continually increasing data breach cases, these platforms are more focused on providing high-tech security to their users. But if you ask anyone about the security comparison, iOS has always, the unprecedented winner.

Now, in 2021 Google will be planning to offer highly securable Android services. This is the time when users want more security on their smartphones compared to laptops and PCs because cybercriminals are targeting smartphones & tablets more often: In this blog, we’re going to explain Android vs. iOS- which platform is more secure in 2021; So let’s get started:

Security Difference Points In Android & iOS

  • Boot up the process: iOS and Android offer the best quality security services. Android verifies the boots with the help of the dm-verity kernel feature, making it impossible for the compromised device to boot.
  • Security software update: Android offers a monthly update in its Android application. It depends on the user whether they want to update the device or not because there is an option to continue or ignore. Apple also offers an update feature once a month, but every user must download the new update in apple.
  • Touch Id: In Android fingerprint option is limited. Not all Android offers fingerprint features. But in the case of Apple, it has always been very particular when it comes to biometric verification.
  • Hardware integration: Android hardware security depends entirely on the manufacturer. At the same time, some Android is good at keeping security on their hands. Apple smartphones have complete control over their hardware security. This point makes it think that iOS will win this security comparison in 2021.
  • Device fragmentation: Apple device fragmentation reduces the probability of facing hacks issues. But the Android case is not the same. There are several device variants with each other.
  • App stores story: Apple has greater control over its apps. It instantly rejects those apps that don’t meet the criteria. Google also starts taking it seriously and has announced that the approval time on Play Store will be high so that every piece of the application could be tested thoroughly before making it live.
  • Marketplace security: In Apple, the chances of malware and hacking are significantly less because it tests every application carefully before putting it on the app store. In Android, the chances of malware and hacking are significant because the Play Store is so much broader and has millions of apps.
  • Platform’s popularity: Android OS enjoyed more popularity than iOS. Because of its popularity, developers are constantly designing new apps for Android.


So we can not say the best between the two of them because it depends on the factor you are focusing on. If you are considering customization then, Android is better than iOS. But, in the case of security, iOS is more securable than Android. So choose wisely, and according to your needs, both platforms are good. This is all about Android vs. iOS- which platform is more secure in 2021. Hope you’ll find it helpful.



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